Battle at the Harrics: complete results

Harrics Finally, the internet emerged a clear and most complete results of the Battle of Harrics. Below the article you can see how and who happily ended. You can see the way of each rider from the first battle, until his retirement. Finally Dimitri took all the money and he absolutely deserved. Well, we can only hope that similar events will go again next year and perhaps with greater participation. So definitely a huge event will continue in other years in the future.

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  1. tomascloseup, %A %B %e%q, %Y

    jj docela rad bych si zajezdil a na EFC to nebude snadny – BRR team BW team :D

  2. tomascloseup, %A %B %e%q, %Y

    posloucha nekdo GREEN DAY ??? protoze po EFC maj po 3 dnech koncert
    kdyby nekdo poslouchal tak sem napiste a reknu vic

    vse :D

  3. Angel, %A %B %e%q, %Y

    Já bych nemohl, kdyby cenu vyhrál Harry…. to by bylo dost frustrující :D

  4. honzam, %A %B %e%q, %Y

    ja poslouchám GREEN DAY